About the Author
Wallace Kaufman
Wallace Kaufman’s writing in many forms is enriched by the variety of his work in the US, Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. After graduate work as a Marshall Scholar at Oxford University, he taught at major universities, created numerous homestead communities with unique environmental covenants, served in Kazakhstan as resident adviser on housing and land reform, and continues to work as a conflict mediator. At the edge of a forest overlooking a deep water slough and its broad marshes he built the house he lived in for 12 years. From the quiet slough and marshes he recently moved to a home overlooking the never quiet Pacific with its variety of marine birds and mammals. He stocks his pantry with preserved kelps and algae as well as a variety of forest mushrooms.
His book publication began with The Beaches Are Moving, a natural and human history of America’s beaches that has had an important impact on coastal planning. Coming out of the Woods (Perseus Publishing, 2001) is the narrative of his efforts to combine homestead development with environmental conservation as he brings up his daughter and builds his own home in the forest. The Hunt for FOXP5 (Springer 2016) explores through science fiction the ethical issues of gene editing. Kaufman co-authored the novel with David Deamer, astrobiologist and co-inventor of the nanopore genome sequencing process. With his daughter, Dr. Sylvan Kaufman, he is co-author of Invasive Plants (Stackpole, 3rd edition 2023) In addition to other books, Kaufman has written hundreds of articles for newspapers and magazines that include Audubon, National Wildlife, Omni, Orion, American Forests, and American Health. He has also been a Science Writing Fellow at the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory.