Oregon Naturally2025-02-11T02:39:17+00:00

News From The Natural World


What I don’t know may make my admiration for the work ethic of the oyster catcher misplaced. Every day this past week a pair of black oyster catchers (Haematopus bachmani ) has been out on the edge of the surf probing and prying among the tightly packed carpet of mussels.

How to See Sea Foam

When visitors see tan or white clumps of foam riding the tides in the slough or on the bay, they often ask “Where did that come from?”

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Views From The Natural World

This Oregon junco, one of the most common birds in the Pacific Northwest, evolved at a very rapid rate as glaciers retreated 10,000 years ago.

There’s much more to know about this extraordinary but common bird

This loon (no longer in breeding plumage) has caught a small eel

My Books

Grow Old and Die Young Wallace Kaufman
The Hunt for FOXP5: A Genomic Mystery Novel

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